What Do [E]pstein and [D]iddy Have In Common...?

Opening with a meme. This important meme tells a huge story. Guilty, much.

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.


Yeah, right, that is [K]illary. Wake up, people...!! Note the date she was in Durham, 17th October. And her appearance in NYC lines up with intel in the first Q drop, below this image.

First Q drop. This timing is a BIG deal, Light Warriors. Bill [C]linton's bizarre speech while in Durham was not an accident. He was taking an introductory hit before the final capitulation.

This post explains President Trump's visit to MacDonalds. I wondered. Thanks, Kat. His visit could also be a worldwide signal that MacDonalds food is finally safe to eat again. We know that [s]atanism was involved in the meal ingredients - and that is as much detail as I am willing to share on the subject.


It has been three weeks since the flood gates opened (literally) and devastated parts of North Carolina, There are still people in isolated areas who have not been checked on by 'government emergency teams'. This video makes it clear that these people were abandoned, most likely deliberately (3' 20" video).


Two quotes from BP at Starship Earth - they totally aligned with my own thinking (post titled: Tales From The Twilight Zone).


'...The first events will probably pop off here and what happens in America affects the rest of the world...' '...We're dealing with psychopaths who WANT us dead. They don't care about the Nuremburg Code, or anything else. They are lawless, and will stop at nothing to win...' (BP Starship Earth)

The current status of the Alliance operation to permanently irradicate the DS comes down to one word: CHECKMATE.

It is just a matter of timing now. The Light has already won on the continuum outside of time and space. We are just waiting for that VICTORY to manifest here on the 3D Earth plane.

We knew the dark forces would fight viciously at the end. Their agenda was to never surrender and kill as many of us as possible before they leave. We battle-hardened Light Warriors are up to the task.

Finally, are you noticing the rapid changes in your relationships/connections...? Some people are drifting away, and others are coming closer. It feels like the final shuffling on the chess board in the dark so that everyone in our lives is in position when the 'Light' comes on. Thank you to my friend Walt for that great analogy.

I am learning to let go/surrender to this change. There is no point in being upset by this natural soul evolutionary process. We need our soul tribies around us now. The people who drift away are going towards THEIR soul tribies. 

All is well, Light Warriors.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Benjamin Fulford: "The world is headed for some sort of climactic event that will echo down through history and maybe even eternity. The BRICS summit in Russia this week and the US Presidential selection on November 5th are not ordinary political events. They will determine the future of humanity for thousands of years."


    1. Thanks for sharing, Wayne. I look forward to reading it. Ben is spot on re his summation of the historic importance of this time on Earth. Little wonder far more souls volunteered for this mission than there were vacancies available.

  2. Micky Ds used to be so great to go to as a kid! The Big Mac and fries ...many a bus trip after a basketball or football game we would stop and get some McDs...back in the 1980s
    I sure hope the meat is out beef but even then I stopped eating meat years ago now ..fish still be even that bothers me a bit.
    Yes not HEC V1.0 she looks younger and to be honest prettier just saying.
    Bill C was rambling crazy talk or was he recently ..I caught what he said Clinton to Gitmo.
    Yes good Ben F update next few weeks will tell us a lot. Votes already being flipped of course they wld be why not same corrupt system in place. EBS EBS EBS 🎺🎺🎺

    1. Doug, I think Bill C was 'confessing' and telegraphing his public demise (which has already happened behind the scenes of course). Remember, the dark forces have to tell us what will happen before (after) it happened. He's playing by his own rules...!

  3. Never been a patron of McD's but that is a very interesting post.
    The people that lost their houses in Helene are camping in tents on their property. Meanwhile Cabins 4 Christ in Virginia is building small homes for them to be added on to in their own time and will have 75 homes ready in 2 weeks. Civilians that are helping the Helene survivors are so organized and effective prove the so called government is obsolete. Now the alt-news from homesteaders are reporting that Roswell, NM is wiped off the face of the map from flooding. People are stuck and if they left are not allowed back for any reason.
    For some reason I have a feeling that after this last little crappy part of the simulation/movie people are going to be made whole.
    Keep holding the light where ya'll have been strategically placed and thank you. πŸ˜‡πŸ’—

    1. Possum, I have not been a patron of McD's for many years, not since my children were little. Even then, it was reluctantly and rarely. I never thought of it as 'real food'.
      Wonderful to hear about the 'Cabins For Christ'. Beautiful. It is an example of 'We are our own saviors'.
      I too feel that redemption for humanity is very close now. How does the saying go...It is always darkest just before the dawn...'


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