President Trump's VICTORY Speech

President Trump is now officially President of the USA (and the world). 

Congratulations, Sir. You richly deserve this magnificent VICTORY.

Here is President Trump's victory speech (26 minute video).

He looks tired which is understandable. This indefatigable man did THREE full rallies yesterday. What an incredible effort.

Now the work begins...

President Trump and his team will waste no time draining the swamp.

Apparently the [O]bamas have already fled USA on their private jet. Watch for many other [D]eep [S]tate players to do the same. Or - they will flip and sing like canaries.

Light Warriors, remember this VICTORY belongs to all of us. We are part of the Alliance operation.

Take a moment to reflect on your unique contribution to this momentous historic outcome. 

Once again, congratulations to President Trump, his First Lady Melania, and their family.

We Are With You...!


Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. And now the real work begins (or continues 😉) in making this world a better place for ALL.

    1. Indeed KatLou. We can celebrate today but there is real work ahead of us, building 5D Earth. It will be wonderful....!

  2. Congratulations Sierra! You are an amazing digital journalist! 🎉

    1. Thank you Indigo - what a beautiful comment. We did it together. This blog is an amazing community of Light Warriors. Love and Light to you...!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Petr. This is OUR victory. We can all enjoy it...!

  4. 🎉

    1. Thanks Caroline....! We made it. What an amazing time to be on planet Earth. Love, Light and hugs to you.

  5. 🇱🇷🛸🎉💃💗
    I saw this comment on our neighborhood chat this morning:
    TODAY will be the first time and it will be the only time that I will watch the View!!!😁 Got to see if they pack their bags as promised!

    1. I hope they pack up and leave soon!!!! Or they all might get sent to Gitmo!

    2. Soooo funny....!! A lot of those DS players will be terrified today. Good...!

  6. Hallelujah!!!! The new golden age begins!!!! What a relief! THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN.

    1. I believe this was your birthday wish. Am I right on that? 🎂🎁

    2. Oh!! Most definitely. What a great Birthday present!!!!! Thanks for remembering!

    3. My birthday is Nov 25th and Trump's win is the best present I could ever have imagined.🎉🎉 🎉🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷
      Happy Birthday to the world!!!

    4. Well, Happy Birthday to you, too! What a month to celebrate. We should be dancing in the streets. I keep listening to Lee Greenwood's song: God Bless the USA and crying.

    5. I always cry to that song and why I cannot sing it. Like Anael I have been crying off and on all morning. Hugs all around 💗

    6. I have a friend coming this afternoon to celebrate...we will dance in my back yard....!! And I always get very emotional when I hear God Bless the USA. I might be a Kiwi but I think of it as my song too. I sang it to myself last night. Hugs back to you, Betsie and Possum.

    7. PS: So thrilled for you getting your birthday wish, Betsie...!

    8. Yes we have spoken and it's huge right for the Galactics to see our development that over the last 4 yrs we didn't fall apart we came together stronger than ever!That is spiritual maturity right there on full display! WWG1WGA be kind to all the lefties..they simply aren't aware yet

    9. Doug, our Galactic brothers and sisters (us from the future) are so proud of our achievements. WE are our own saviors. WWG1WGA.....!

  7. I woke up this morning to the great news, and I’ve been crying on and off ever since. We light workers really needed this morale boost. Nov 7th is my birthday, so this is such an amazing birthday present. I’m also going on vacation for a week starting on Nov 9th, so I’m over the moon right now! I’m considering buying a MAGA hat or one that says WWG1WGA and wearing it in Florida while I’m there!

    1. My birthday was Nov 4th and I wished the same for mine. Happy Birthday to you! What a week to celebrate!!!!! Yes, wear a MAGA hat.

    2. Happy Birthday Anael....! It is 7th Nov here in NZ. Oh, please buy a MAGA hat and wear it in Florida. I will be there with you in spirit. Wouldn't it be amazing if you saw President Trump while you are there...!! Love, Light and hugs to you.

    3. Me too need a maga hat and what a great BD present for you and the world!!

    4. Lots of November birthdays getting their wish this year....Nov. 14th here.

    5. Mescoot, great to hear from you....! I was thinking there are a few Nov birthdays in this community. Birthday hugs ahead of time from NZ.

  8. Replies
    1. Lovely to hear from you Olaya...! Thank you. Love and Light to you.

    2. Yes I must admit a couple hazy IPAs I have been trying to no have any beer but I was so happy!!

  9. We were stoked stayed up till 1am watched the acceptance speech it was moving! I woke up 5am and checked the results again to insure they hadn't pulled the 3am ballot box drop like 2020 and magically Harris had taken the lead. Nope shows 277 still what is odd is they wont finalize the remaining states for official records. 14 blue states dont require voter id clearly those states I think go red if honest voting would happen. We are all very happy but I am also wary because Q and others kept saying NDE will happen so I must assume that will be btwn now and Jan 20th? What do all think I can't see them just allowing Trump to be peacefully sworn in if the satanic elite are jumping ship now. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

    1. Most of these large events are gauges or dip test. -This election is hopefully enough confidence for the Galactic plan to move forward with more disclosure and most likely the ruling of the Brunson case.

      I was told long time ago that if the Galactics were doing their job correctly this process would appear seamless. Their largest concern and this is the militaries, Is civil unrest. It’s probably very clear now from this election on who to keep an eye on And is there a large enough majority to move forward?

      It would seem we have that green light! The Beeson case was already ruled on so they’re just waiting for the civil unrest potential to decrease enough.

    2. Great summary, thanks Taylor. Let's hope that the more gradual strategy by the Alliance on and off planet does prevent mass unrest. That was always the plan. Love and Light to you.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Bom Dia,Serra
    Naturalmente essas são boas notícias para serem comemoradas .Aqui ,no Brasil,também ,respiramos aliviados o PT (Partido dos trabalhadores) Melhor seria Partido das Trevas. Elegeu poucos prefeitos e vereadores ,em todo o Brasil,na últimas eleições e isso significa dizer que o povo está acordando, e esses estão temerosos com o retorno de Trump.Todas as perseguições respaldadas pelo (ds)serão suprimidas,penso que em muito breve teremos o retorno de Bolsonaro,ele vai voltar com todo o vigor ,para retomar o projeto que merecemos.
    Sempre temos lido as postagens.Obrigado
    Saúde,Paz e Luz
    Pax Tibi!
    JATeixeira(SC) Brasil.

    1. Lovely to hear from you JAT. I have translated your comment...
      Good morning, Serra
      Naturally, this is good news to be celebrated. Here, in Brazil, we also breathe a sigh of relief for the PT (Workers' Party). The Party of Darkness would be better. He elected few mayors and councilors, throughout Brazil, in the last elections and this means that the people are waking up, and they are fearful of Trump's return. All persecutions supported by (ds) will be suppressed, I think that very soon we will have Bolsonaro's return, he will return with full vigor, to resume the project we deserve.
      We have always read the posts. Thank you
      Health, Peace and Light
      Pax Tibi!
      JATeixeira (SC) Brazil.

    2. JAT, it will be wonderful for Brazil (and the world) to have Bolsonaro return to lead your country. That will be a magnificent day. Bolsonaro is a Light Warrior hero, along with President Trump and other LW leaders. We pray for you. Love and Light to you!

  12. Quietly smiling to myself today.

    Thank you, Sierra. We wouldn't be where are without you. xx

    1. Aidan, that is so kind of you, thank you! BIG day. So much Love and Light on the planet.


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