Merry Christmas, Northern Hemisphere Readers

Opening with a little video that brought me to tears (of joy). 

Merry Christmas, lovely blog readers in the northern hemisphere. Where We Go One We Go All.

Our Commander-in-Chief and First Lady Melania with a special Christmas greeting (1' 23" video).

Meanwhile, this important intel gives weary Light Warriors great hope that the end is now close. Please use your discernment, as always.

I love this post about the numerous craft currently being sighted in the sky. His information resonates strongly with me.

We have so much to look forward to, Light Warriors. I believe that Greenland is highly significant to the Alliance but I can't remember why. If any blog readers can enlighten us, please leave a comment.

Anonymous message but we can all agree with it.

Fun meme. Bring it on, Sir.

Merry Christmas, Mel. You are a legend.

While I was away for Christmas I was blessed to go to a lovely AA meeting on Christmas Eve. Then I spent Christmas morning with a dear friend in recovery. It was a special Christmas for me. It made me realize how precious community is on this challenging Earth mission. We all need like-minded souls on our team. It can be an isolated lonely journey at times. Our soul tribies lift our spirits and keep us going.

I am fortunate to have a small tight bunch of soul tribies with whom I am in regular communication. You know who you are....! These wonderful souls are always there to support me. I want to say thank you to them, and to all you lovely blog readers.

Finally, I was in some beautiful botanical gardens on Christmas Eve. It was filled with happy families enjoying the grassy areas, ponds and tall majestic trees. I sat in a pavilion by myself and watched the delightful scene. I whispered to myself, 'This is 5D Earth, right in front of me. The Best Is Yet To Come.' 

Suddenly I had the insane urge to leap up and scream out at the top of my voice to the entire park, 'THE BEST IS YET TO COME....!!!' 

Needless to say, I didn't. Tee hee.

Merry Christmas again. Each and every one of you blog readers is deeply loved and much appreciated, exactly as stated by the Light Beings.

Roll on 20th January.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. For Greenland, pls see Kab's post here.(

    1. Thanks JN. Much appreciated. Kab has some amazing information.

  2. Merry Christmas to everyone! πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸŽ. Glad you had a great trip Sierra. The mainstream ideas about Greenland have to do with minerals (like lithium mines) and maybe shipping. I think the truth is more along the lines of Antarctica. Ancient ruins, ET tech, maybe even a portal/Stargate... Today some of us are with often challenging birth families, some are lucky to be with soulmates/tribes, and some are physically alone (I've spent plenty of holidays like that). Just remember that no matter the appearances of our lives, Source hasn't abandoned or forgotten us and we ARE always loved. May that shining truth only grow in our inner and outer lives in the brighter days to come! πŸŒ„♥️

    1. Merry Christmas, CC...! Thanks for the great info about Greenland. I think you are right about the portal, ruins, and ET tech.
      While I was walking today, I was thinking that I have spent almost half my life alone in some way. Many Light Warriors spend a big chunk of their Earth mission solo. It is part of our training and teaches us self mastery. And yes, we are ALWAYS loved, I absolutely agree with you. Love and Light...!

  3. Merry Christmas, Sierra and all!

    1. Merry Christmas, Lisa. Lovely to hear from you...!

  4. The story of Trump and team boarding AF1 in the middle of the nite in 2018 and flying to Iraq and landing without the troops being aware of his arrival then erupting once walked into the room was amazing!!
    I full expect so.wtbing happen before J20 ..I know Kab says after ascension but we need all to be made aware now to raise the collective consciousness so the solar flash can be triggered is how I always understood the timing of events to occur.
    Guess we shall see how this plan unfolds. Yes .Sierra and everyone here has meant to world to me too. WWG1WGA

    1. Doug, I remember when it happened at the time but I have never seen the full story presented like this in video. It's such a emotional beautiful story about a man who truly loves his people. It is the perfect video for this Christmas and leading into 2025.

    2. Moved this 57 yr old man to tears the love he has for this nation and I think the world as he is "read in" as they say to the plan and I know he has met with the Galactics so he is following the script and we should see an NDE rather soon now and truths told which will be a dark nite as even all of us will have a hard time learning all the details. Love and Light my friend! ❤️πŸ•―️

  5. Me and my wife and our cat spend Christmas eve just the three of us, with no guests and it was actually very nice that it was us who decided how we wanted to celebrate it in our own wayπŸŒ²πŸ•Š
    By the way, Greenland is a part of Demark-at least politically-but it seems that there is some kind of change going on there too, for the better in some way, I believe. The weather here is still very mild, perhaps due to that weather manipulation has been stopped...
    Merry Christmas and Love and lightπŸ‡πŸ¦„πŸŒ€πŸ•Š

    1. Merry Christmas, Torsten...! Many people chose to have a quiet Christmas this year with no guests. Maybe people are feeling the energies. We await developments in Greenland with great interest. Love and Light to you and your wife.

  6. I too mentally shout out, "The BEST is yet to come!" I feel it, I see it, I hear it, I believe it!

    1. Yay, go us KatLou...!! Love and Light to you.

  7. 🧘🏽‍♂️πŸŽπŸ›ΈπŸ’—

    1. Thanks Possum. Your emojis always brighten the comment section....!

  8. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Thanks Caroline, I always appreciate your cheery purple hearts.....!

  9. Elegant skating...

    1. Thanks Possum, Love and Light to you. I love skating.

  10. Blessings and so much thanks for all your wonderful blogs, the new year will be amazing!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


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