Q Drop Connection To Carter Funeral

Important Q drop connection to President Carter's state funeral. This is BIG news, Light Warriors.

StormyPatriotJoe Channel on Telegram

Jimmy Carter State Funeral 1/9/25


Q 518 1/9/18 “Big Week”
Q 520 1/10/18 “BIG news Week?” “DEFCON”
Q 521 1/13/18 “[Scare] Necessary Event”
Q 525 1/13/18 “7/10” “Targeted Kills”

On Eye of the Storm we’ve been pointing to this week in time for 2 years now.

Don’t think we are done with plane News, Missile Comms, Boeing

AF1, AF2
TrumpForce One, TrumpForce Two

DJT is insulated and protected
No matter what you see in the news soon

Let’s see what happens (Stormy Patriot Joe)

More intel on the Carter state funeral, thanks Kat.


πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Jimmy Carter’s Funeral will be held on January 9, 2025

Biden has ordered the closure of US government agencies
on that day – Insider Paper

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ @CaptKylePatriots
What if this was what Q was referring to “It’s about the break?”

It's about the BREAK.

I have a question: The 10 days, darkness.. when?

πŸ˜»πŸ‘‡ BTW, who’s in control⁉️ 1 + 9 + 2 + 5 = 17 

Alexander Quinn's latest message...


Arcturian Message:

In the span of the last 48 hours, Earth has borne witness to a significant escalation in ionized radiation and energetic frequencies—a phenomenon that resonates deeply with the rhythms of your existence. As a result, disturbances in sleep and heightened sensitivity of the skin may have surfaced, acting as subtle reminders of your interconnectedness with the cosmos. 

Yet, the currents of energy are not still; within the next 24 hours, the already amplified waves are poised to double or even triple in intensity, heralding a period of profound energetic challenge over the ensuing 24 to 48 hours. These moments call for mindful navigation—seeking spaces of tranquility where any healing emotional turbulence will not become inflamed. 

You will crescendo into your new year with an enormous wave of energetic surges. Use this to your advantage, allowing it to fuel the creation of that which your deepest desires long for. Let foresight and care guide your preparations, ensuring harmony within as the external energies rise. Much love to you as you traverse these potent times.

Iawat Ansha
Arcturian Light Command

This cloud ship pic was taken from my garden this morning. The ship is sitting above the clump of trees in the center. If you expand the pic, it looks like the Enterprise from Star Trek. My friend Judith has worked out that the cloud ships and ships at night appear during new and full moon. I had never realized the timing.

Finally, regular blog readers will remember a cute story from a few weeks ago, about a baby bird that bonded to a neighbor and myself - to the point where the little bird tried to jump into my arms...! The bird was too helpless to care for itself so my lovely neighbor has been looking after it. She is a caregiver to a lonely elderly woman. The little bird is now the elderly woman's much loved companion. We love happy endings.

It is the last day of 2024 here in New Zealand. What a year it has been. The tsunami of TRUTH is well and truly underway.

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.

And more importantly....



Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. 7 year delta for the Q posts .. also right before J20! Sure fits doesn't it! WWG1WGA ❤️πŸ•―️

    1. It sure does fit, Doug. When it comes to Q we know we can TRUST the Alliance and the Divine Plan. Happy New Year...!

  2. The Schumann Resonance is way off the charts and I have been sooooo out of it for days. The things I use to snap out of it haven't worked either. I slept a lot today. Love that the Enterprise stopped by for a visit. Happy New Year! πŸŽ‰πŸ’—

    1. Possum, I too have felt 'out of it' for several days. I am learning to go slowly during these times, do less not more. Happy New Year to you...!

    2. There has been some powerful solar flares the last few days too. Several X class (the strongest type) and a bunch of M class (second strongest). It feels like these happenings are dislodging a lot of crud from our energy fields... Spaceweatherlive.com has a good site for solar info. Much ♥️ and Happy New Year everyone!πŸ₯³πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡πŸŽ‰

    3. Me too, Possum. After mom left a couple of weeks ago it's been a non-stop mad dash to Christmas (which we didn't have much time to decorate for, cards, etc... oh my!) and now it's nearly the new year.
      Glad to see you all again. I have been reading as I can but have had practically no time to myself over the past week since Christmas as we've been going back and forth to the daughter's home to caretake the animals a couple of times a day.

    4. Happy New Year to Possum, Betsie, CC and Cheryl...! We are going through it, friends. No doubt about it. The energies are super intense right now. Love, Light and hugs to you all.

  3. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Lovely to see your purple hearts, Happy New Year, Caroline...!

  4. I have been lying awake for many hours each night in over a week and even taking a nap in daytime has been difficult. It felt like having had too much coffee, which I hadn't, but this night I finally managed to sleep and rest again.
    What a beautiful wiew from your garden and the starship looks so peaceful. I think they enjoy flying over your areaπŸ›ΈπŸ•Š
    Happy New YearπŸ‡πŸŠπŸŒ·πŸŒž

    1. Torsten, many Light Warriors are experiencing disrupted sleep. The Schumann Resonance is off the charts at present.
      Yes, the starships are regular visitors in my area. Invite them to your place...!!
      Happy New Year to you from NZ.

    2. Amen... I keep waking up every couple of hours but thought at first it was from my drinking too much iced tea in the evenings. I know better now!

    3. Lovely to hear from you Cheryl. Thinking of you there at Ground Zero...!

  5. I have been having strange and seemingly random aches and pains since a couple days ago, and sleeplessness for over a week. It’s been rough walking around like a zombie at work. Hopefully I can turn this around and start getting a full night’s sleep.

    1. Anael, lovely to hear from you. I hope you get a full night's sleep soon too. It makes a big difference. Happy New Year...!

  6. Yes. Hard to sleep and odd dreams when I do. Can't sleep in like I used to so I get up and check this blog!! πŸ˜‰
    Yes, Happy Solar Flash New Year!! Ot Happy Portal New Year per Kab! πŸ˜€

    1. Doug, I am having very weird dreams. Sleeping well because I'm getting plenty of exercise and wearing myself out...! Happy Solar Flash/Portal New Year to you in Idaho...!

  7. Happy New Year Sierra! It's going to be a really big one! Weird dreams and my hands are vibrating!

    1. Happy New Year Biddy...! I am having very weird dreams too. Love and Light to you.

  8. Happy New Year and thanks for all you bring to us! Huge transformative changes are a foot this week as Mars in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius for five days starting the 1st. Powerful energies polarizing the old systems and beliefs to align all with the Golden Age of Light. Love the starship.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I live in a small historic town about 15 minutes from the northern border of San Antonio. As is my custom, I go out onto my patio to greet the new year. San Antonio was alive with fireworks, which I clearly heard. Because of the lights of my town, I rarely see any stars; yet, parked above my apartment complex in a straight line were 3 "stars". I have felt that for some time that our Texas skies are being patrolled for our safety. I have had no reason to change my mind. I have also seen cloud ships and what descriptions suggest are Pleiadean mother ships. May Father Source protect all of you and yours.


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