Go USA Police Patriots

This is such a heartwarming story. Four thousand USA police officers have volunteered to go to Washington DC for inauguration day to provide protection for President Trump and his team. Love it.


Our Commander-in-Chief is a master troller. His trollin' [B]iden garbage truck will feature in his inauguration parade. Priceless.


More on the LA fires...

Wow. Actor Eddie Griffin came right out and said it: the fires were deliberately lit by the [D]eep [S]tate to burn evidence of [p]edophilia (1' 27" video).


This animation shows the shocking speed of the fire's progress and the vast area that burned in a short time (30" video).


'Wildfires' do not reduce metal to liquid (20" video).


Thanks to blog reader Betsie for forwarding this link to Patricia Cota-Robles' recent message and meditation.


I resonate with Patricia's summary of the current Earth situation, particularly the fires. This sentence leapt out at me where she talks about the assistance we are receiving from the higher realms...

'This assistance includes greatly minimizing the loss of life....'

I have been discussing with Light Warrior friends how little loss of life there has been in the fires considering the staggering devastation of properties. Of course any loss of life is tragic under such circumstances. However, we have to agree it could have been so much worse.

A theory being discussed is that starships lifted people out of the fire danger area and deposited them in safe areas. This is easily achievable based on Dolores Cannon's extensive research. She said that our Galactic friends are perfectly capable of doing such operations without leaving any trace of memory for the rescued people. If they do have residual memory, they will think it was a dream.

Alexander Quinn's latest message...

On January 11, 2025, a major astrological shift occurs as the Lunar Nodes change signs: the North Node moves into Pisces, and the South Node shifts into Virgo. This marks a pivotal turning point. With the North Node leaving Aries and entering Pisces, it signals a time when sticking to the same old patterns won’t work anymore. It’s a call to adjust our direction and embrace a new path forward.

This shift is amplified by the following:

Venus and Saturn Conjunction (January 18, 2025)
On January 18, Venus and Saturn will appear close together in the evening sky, reaching their closest approach at approximately 2.2 degrees apart. This celestial event encourages individuals to assess their priorities, particularly concerning love, finances, and personal values. It fosters a more disciplined and thoughtful approach to these areas of life.

Planetary Alignment (Around January 21, 2025)
Around January 21, six planets—Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus, and Saturn—will align in the evening sky. This planetary configuration will serve as a catalyst for change, encouraging personal and societal transformations. It will inspire shifts in perspectives and the initiation of new endeavors.

If you thought January would be a time to take your foot off the gas or take it easy, think again. The energies of this month signal that huge changes are around the corner, and resistance won’t feel all that great. Flow with the energy. Follow the path of least resistance.

Much love,

Ending with some clever humor. No hints. Thanks Coach Jerry (1' 15" video).


We have to laugh, Light Warriors. Yes, even amid the horror and devastation, we have to find humor in our lives. It is the most effective way to BEAT the dark forces. Remember, they do not have a sense of humor. That is what separates them from humanity.

Pray for those who are suffering...support those you can help around you...and do not feel guilty for enjoying a good belly laugh.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Great post! Thanks Sierra! Here is a very interesting video about NZ. Way more in this short vid than the title suggests "Fairy Folk of New Zealand": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_mSSpbGGW4

    1. Thanks Possum. I saw this link and it looks very intriguing...!

    2. This video shows a beautiful white temple building with deities. When the statues of Krishna and Radha are installed on the altar the statues are called deities. Swami: "This arcฤ-vigraha is an incarnation of the Supreme Lord. God will accept service through that form."

    3. Wayne, there is no video attached to your comment...

    4. In the above "Fairy Folk of New Zealand" video he visits a temple. But the Iskcon temples are much more religious. The first Iskcon temple I went to was at west 55th street in Manhattan, New York City. The altar was the most beautiful spiritual place I have ever seen and experienced. They passed around the candle that was offered to the deities. We put our right hand above the flame for one second, then we put our hand on our forehead. The first time I did this I was amazed at the spiritual warmth I felt.

    5. Thanks Wayne, lovely share. Love and Light to you.

  2. "The energies of this month signal that huge changes are around the corner" - (AQ)

    This latest intel of The Total Disclosure Plan by Ashtar Command is the most detailed that I have seen sofar : https://www.disclosurenews.it/the-disclosure-plan-ashtar-command/

    The wait wont be long now...

    1. Wow Finn! You are right! Thank you! ๐Ÿ›ธ๐Ÿ’—

    2. I agree with you, Finn. Our long wait as Light Warriors is nearly over. Then the next phase of our mission begins. Sending warm wishes to you in Norway...!

  3. James is helping expose the treasonous swamp creatures before Trump publicly takes office.
    O’Keefe Exposes FBI Special Agent Giving Tell-All on Defense Dept. Plan to Sabotage Incoming Trump Administration - Watch the first 3 minutes...

    1. Thanks Possum. James O'Keefe does wonderful work.


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