Mel Gibson Lost Home In Fire

Actor Mel Gibson lost his home in the fire while he was in Austin talking to Joe Rogan for the podcast.

Here is video footage of his house burned to the ground as he describes what happened...(4' 28" video).

'I've been relieved of the burden of my stuff because it's all in cinders...I have never seen a place so perfectly burned...It's like someone did it on purpose to really destroy every aspect of it...'

'It was kind of random (on his street) wasn't every place...' (Mel Gibson).

Mel's attitude to the devastation of losing his long-time home is remarkable. It reminds me of when Elisabeth Kubler-Ross lost her home in a fire, including her priceless library of thousands of books. After the shock wore off, she said something similar to Mel: 'I am free now. It's all gone...'

New Zealand Football Fern captain Ali Riley also lost her home in the fire. Here is a photo and video footage. She is right - it DOESN'T seem real. Look at how neatly all those homes were perfectly burned to the ground, exactly as Mel Gibson said.

One thing is for certain about this catastrophic blaze - it was not a natural wildfire. There was far too much precision involved, as Mel Gibson indicated happened in his own street. There is uniformity in the photos and footage of the devastation that does not equate to a natural event.

As for who is responsible...? I have decided that it is too early to tell. More evidence is needed.

Still with Mel Gibson...During the Joe Rogan podcast, Mel shared that three of his friends were CURED of stage four cancer by using [I]vermectin and [F]enbendazole. Pass it on (1' 11" video).

This startling admission made it into the MSM. Well done, Mel.

Speaking of cures and remedies, Aussie naturopath Barbara O'Neil gives natural remedies to detox from the jab. The doctor referred to in the video with an excellent detox regime is Dr Peter McCullough. Nicotine patches are also effective (1' 20" video).

President Trump was issued with an 'unconditional discharge' on his counts in court by Judge Merchan. Merchan would have been a body double - I think the original was recently GITMO'ed.

An intriguing opinion piece headline in the NZ MSM. Even if the article is sarcastic, the fact that it was published is promising.

Thought-provoking meme.

I will end with a quote from BP at Starship Earth from her latest newsletter titled Not Around But Through. I concur.

'By now most of you should be on a fairly even keel because you're watching---just watching---from 60,000 feet. The drama doesn't touch you. You know potentially fear-invoking events and emotionally charged situations are just around the corner and you're resigned to come through relatively unscathed.

That's why we're here; to anchor the frequency and energy of the realm while these chaotic events churn by, day after day, week after week.

The only way to the other side is through the muck and the mire. There's no way around it---but it will be transformational and good beyond our wildest dreams.' (BP Starship Earth)

As she said, our job as Light Warriors is to anchor the Love and Light on planet Earth as the ailing redundant 3D matrix implodes around us. Every day I see more examples of the 3D matrix breaking down, whether it is faulty plumbing products (my case) or favorite food items vanishing from the supermarket shelves (my case too). 

Radical acceptance is key. We signed on for this gig. We cannot feel sorry for ourselves because it is not fun most of the time. 

We should be very proud that we had the courage to step forward and volunteer for this mission. 

BE proud.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Yes, our energy signatures are working overtime in our designated placements. I placed my snow shovel next to my front door cause we are getting some snow tonight. Hugs all around. 💗

    1. Possum, hugs to you too. Every one of us Light Warriors is exactly where we need to be right now.

  2. Hi Sierra. It's definitely synchronicity time. A couple of weeks ago I considered sharing information about Ivermectin & Fenbendazole, but decided against it as the energy seemed off. I have personally tried to share info about these miraculous cures on 4 different occasions to people in dire need, only to be met with ridicule & disbelief. I can't believe that people would rather get cut, burnt & poisoned than take a few pills. I honestly believe that it's only the awake that are open to new possibilities. So glad to hear that your team are on the job & keeping you safe. L&L Graham.

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Graham. Yes, I experienced a lot of ridicule in the early stages of the Plandemic. As time has gone on, I have learned to observe and say nothing. People are going to have to learn the hard way. We tried. Love and Light to you.

  3. Just want to share Kab's post on the Shift:- I also feel that it's very close now.
    Today is 11 Jan here & I've seen 111 twice today. Such synchronicity! Love & Light to All!

    1. Thanks JN. Lovely to hear from you in Singapore. It's 11th Jan here too and I have also seen 111 today...! I look forward to reading Kab's post. Love and Light to you.


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