Starship Seen At LA Fire

This post from Kab includes video footage of a starship flying through the smoke from the LA fire. It is a glorious sight. 

The starship confirms my thoughts that our Galactic family is working hard to mitigate the damage from the [D]eep [S]tate's evil act perpetrated on the people of California.

This Q drop gives important context to the fires.

A significant Telegram post from Ezra Cohen.

This is it. The hour is upon us and I am bringing the storm of the century.
History in the making.
Welcome to the main event, patriots.
It's showtime.
A show so big that will leave everyone speechless.
They are not ready for it!

Join Ezra A. Cohen

Mel Gibson talked to Fox News about losing his home and possessions (twelve minute video).

Complete digression. This video by Dr Brian Ardis is a must watch. Huge TRUTH bombs about how vaccines destroy our natural immune system. Please pass it on (10 minute video).

This Kab post about The Shift is so uplifting.

I resonate with Kejraj's message about the dissolving 3D matrix.

We are constantly experiencing interruptions to the matrix as it falls away. These experiences can be frustrating and disconcerting - but they are necessary and unavoidable. The best way to navigate matrix interruptions is to surrender to them and go with the flow. This too will pass. Everything does.

I have noticed that a common matrix interruption is with communication. Indirect forms, like texting, are quite simply not gelling. I am learning to practice acceptance rather than get frustrated.

Finally, I am finding it difficult to ground in the current intense energies. I am walking, gardening, swimming yet I am still struggling to keep my feet on the planet. I am experiencing bouts of discombobulation throughout the day, eg 'What day is it...? Where am I...? What was I doing again...?' 

Navigating through this strange new world feels like learning to walk all over again. I am learning to forgive myself when I wobble. I am doing the best I can under extraordinary circumstances.

We are all doing the best we can, Light Warriors. We are in this together.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. I'm feeling the same way Sierra. We had a huge snow and ice storm yesterday here in Georgia. And now it feels like it happened weeks ago. Totally discombobulated! Interesting, the movie "The Matrix" is on tonight. I never did watch it, so I think I will now! Love and Light, Betsie

    1. Betsie, New Years Day feels like months ago. It certainly reassures me to hear that you and others are feeling discombobulated too (love that word!).
      Stay warm over there. The Matrix is a cool movie, although a bit violent unfortunately. Love and Light to you!

  2. Mike King: "Trump is positioning himself for big achievements which are going to make people, normies, sit up and take notice and admire him. Normies mimic what they see on television."

    1. Wayne, Mike is absolutely right - people trust and emulate what they see on TV. President Trump will take over the MSM and everyone will trust him. It's quite genius, thanks for sharing.

  3. That last space ship clip was amazing! I am very discombobulated. I can't remember how to spell simple words most of the time anymore and can't remember what I am doing one moment to the next at times. This morning during my routine I started to black out and had to lay down for a while before I could finish the routine. JayJ stayed by my side while I recovered. Thanks Sierra 💗

    1. Possum, I know exactly what you mean about simple words. For weeks I could not remember the name of the bit that attaches to the shower nozzle. I kept thinking, 'cord' but it didn't feel right. Suddenly this morning I remembered - it is hose....!! That is crazy.
      I get dizzy bending down now. We just have to go a bit slower, my friend. Love, Light and hugs to you.

  4. In 1989 I saw a 4 hour long film called 'Out on a limb' on TV with Shirley MacLaine playing herself. In the film she lived in a beautiful house by the sea. She could walk out on a balcony and down a wooden staircase and then she was on Malibou Beach. But she was very rich and most people can't live in such luxury. Maybe it is one of the houses that has burned down.
    I liked the film/movie, so I hope she's a free human and doesn't work for the ds/cabal. Its main theme is about the Pleiadians and starships and I have watched it a couple of times. It was some of the first 'intel' for me about people from other planets and UFO's🛸
    Love and light from DK

    1. Torsten, Shirley MacLaine's book 'Out On A Limb' was the catalyst that suddenly woke me up to Earth's reality. I read it in 1985 and have been researching ever since. I also watched the TV mini series she made about the book. I love the scene where the guy drives down the windy mountain road with his eyes shut - a feat of extraordinary faith.
      Thanks for sharing, Love and Light.

    2. I believe she's a real lightwarrior. There are many wonderful scenes in it. A lot of humor too🌞

    3. "Out On A Limb" awakened a large group of us all over the world back then. Set me on my spiritual journey and caused a bit of a rift in my new marriage. LOL

    4. Actually it is more accurate to say that 'Out On A Limb' was the catalyst for my spiritual awakening. The research into truth about the Earth came quite a bit later.

  5. I deeply resonate with what Kab said about an energy grid formed of quartz crystals. I strongly believe that I have a role to play with those crystals, I’ve seen one of them in a vision years ago. They’re almost unfathomably large, at least the one I saw. It was in a huge cavern underground, and it was pointing straight up like it was a tower. I think it was probably the size of a 40-story building. It was so stunning, and clear as water.

    1. Wow, Anael. Your vision of the giant quartz crystal is stunning. I cannot imagine the huge amount of energy generated by it. Thanks for sharing. Love and Light to you.


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