[E]pstein List Drop Underway

The [E]pstein list drop is underway. It appears that it will be dropped in stages. 

Here is the link to the first phase of the files.

[Q]TSR post from 28th Feb, explaining the need for phases.

We are here 🔥.... But it should be noted that the Epstein list, files, videos documents and court papers full release will come in Stages as the Trump team creates indictments and goes after investigation into the human trafficking networks and money laundering operations and blackmail operations of CIA'S> MOSSAD'S> MI6 > DS'S>> EPSTEIN


This little video explains the Q drop connection to the [E]pstein list drop phases. A MUST watch (1 minute video).

Anon DCDraino was invited into the Oval Office to see the files. Amazing.

Attorney General Pam Bondi has ordered Kash [P]atel to 'immediately' release documents being withheld by the FBI and conduct an investigation.

Wow, this is great news from Elon Musk re global aircraft safety. Highly recommended post.

Hollywood actor Woody Harrelson has gone viral with a powerful question: 'What if RFK Jr was right...?' (About the deadly jab).

Actor Gene Hackman and his wife and dog were found dead in their home. Anons are surmising that it is the start of suicide week for the DS.

This intel relates to the Holocaust. Please use your discernment, as always. But do remember - humanity has been duped in ALL areas of life so open-mindedness is essential.

from @Enlightened Humanity 5711 on Telegram

Main points against the official Holocaust narrative.

-the Red Cross kept detailed records of all the deaths in the concentration camps. (271k)

-the allies broke the codes to the SS communications, and never heard anything about a Holocaust

-there is no order from Hitler for a “final solution.”

-Goebbels wrote in his diary that the end goal was to deport the Jews to Madagascar

-American executive expert Fred Leucther scraped the bricks of the Auschwitz gas chamber and found no Zyklon B residue.

-Paul Rassinier, a French communist, was in a concentration camp alongside Jews, and wrote about his experience being completely different.

-it was physically impossible to gas and cremate 6 million Jews in the time it was reported.

-when a German questions the Holocaust, he goes to prison, when a Jew says he’s a victim of the Holocaust, he gets a reparations check.

Finally, a message from Alexander Quinn. We eagerly await the outcome of the channelling...!

Alexander Quinn - Ascension Channel:
Dear All,
Lately, I’ve had quite a few clients and friends ask me:
"Why is my memory acting so strangely as the energy increases? I'm struggling to remember passwords, bank PINs, and sometimes even why I walked into a room. It seems to be getting worse as the energies increase. What’s going on?"
I’ll be channeling a response from my Arcturian guides and sharing it this Friday at the usual time of 5.30pm UK time and putting it out as a video on my channel. I hope this brings clarity and support to those experiencing these strange and sometimes alarming but natural shifts.
Much Love,

...Now, where was I...?? Tee hee. 

Quite seriously, I get disoriented multiple times during the day. I recently visited an elderly friend and was engrossed in playing word games with her. When I left her house and got in my car, this was the conversation I had with myself: 'Who am I, what do I do, and why am I here...?'

Hang in there, Light Warriors. The SHTF is now manifesting in real time. At LAST.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. It has happened many times in the last few days that I had forgotten words that I usually remember, and I said, 'sorry, I forgot the word' and had to change subject because I couldn't finish a sentence🌝
    The msm said that Hackmann's wife was only 63 years old and even their dog was dead. It looks like they'd had enough of disclosure and wanted to leave the Earth as many ds'ers probably want to, now that President Trump is the Boss🤔
    Love and light from rainy DK🕊🛸🌧

    1. Torsten, I too often trail off half way through a sentence because I have forgotten a common word. I am almost getting used to it...!
      Gene Hackman may have had ties to [E]pstein, based on intel. This could be the start of suicide season for the DS.
      Love and Light from warm sunny evening NZ.

    2. I do the same thing!!!! Yes, I've heard Gene Hackman had ties to Epstein and may be the first of many to start the suicide season!

    3. I have listened to intel insiders and they say Gene was not on the list. I also consulted a spiritual friend that has a very good intuitive track record about Gene and she said Gene is team light. Many light workers work undercover even when we ourselves don't know it until after the mission is over. The way Gene, his wife and dog were found does not make sense for suicide at all. Gene was in the mud room with sunglasses and looking like he was ready to go for a walk. His wife was in the bathroom and the one dog was in a kennel. The other two dogs were outside and survived. The bodies had been dead long enough for the start of mummification. Was it a sacrifice or a soon to be whistleblower testimony?

    4. Hello Possum. What you told here about Gene Hackman reminded me that the msm are (as usual) not to be trusted, at least not without one's own discernment...What I read was that his dog was dead - not that they had three dogs and only one died🤔

    5. Yes siree Torsten! In my view they were hit with a frequency weapon.

    6. Possum and Torsten, I think we have reached the part of the Alliance operation where we may never know who is/was a good or bad guy. Our best ally right now is 100% discernment, trust and faith in the divine plan. Oh, and staying comfy on our 60,000 foot perspective.

    7. Thanks for those clarifications. And Sierra about the 60,000 foot perspective - I have to tell you that my neighbor has a drone and took pictures of my property from way above. I wish I could post it here, it was so cool to see that view of my place, it really did help me to be able to imagine being up at that height looking down to keep my perspective at that higher level.

    8. Betsie, how wonderful to see your property from way above...! I am guessing this is not the noisy neighbor...?? How is that situation going..?

    9. ha ha no not the noisy neighbor, the dog is still barking and now he has put a flood light up that shines all over my property and into my house. But, I am calmer about it and just try to ignore the whole thing. Thanks for asking.

    10. Betsie, do you have black out curtains?

    11. Possum, YES! thanks for asking! The light shines in through the back of my house to my sunroom. So I had black out shades installed along the those windows. It works perfectly! Metaphysically I'm thinking about how interesting it is that I am a "lightworker" and now my whole property is illuminated with light! I live on a small lake - on my side no one has lights that come on at night and on the other side everyone has bright lights shining at night.

    12. This summer you will be glad you have black out curtains for the sunroom. They will save you on your air-conditioning bill. That is if we still have the parasite, dinosaur tech by then. Our state just passed a bill to bring down our monthly electricity bills. I am quite confident that the utility companies are used for money laundering, like everything else. In two years my electric bill has quadrupled and that is with me super insulating the windows and any gaps and keeping the heat down 5 more degrees than I use to.

    13. Yes the utility bills do need to come down! And good to know the black out shades can help with that. Thank you!

    14. OMG I knew this group was powerful, but this proves it. For the first time in MONTHS my neighbor has turned off the spotlight that he had pointing to my house. I can hardly believe it. Let's keep it that way. THANKS!

    15. Maybe it shows you jumped out of your neighbor's timeline/realm. Great news!

    16. Betsie, that is awesome news...! Love it. Let's pray that it stays off. I am getting a download that he got bored with it...!

    17. Sierra, that sounds about right since he did not get the reactions he was counting on. LOL

    18. Good!!!! I bet you are right, Sierra! Thank you all for your support.

  2. Good Day,Sierra.
    Espero e almejo que estejas bem.
    Ontem um amigo lá de Sâo Paulo me perguntava sobre as muitas notícias que temos recebido ultimamente e o Por quê.
    Bem, lhe disse que embora em meio a muitas e propositais desinformações (do DS),temos sidos alimentados nas mais diversas área do conhecimento humano por protocolos preceitos e instruções mitigadas(quando verdadeiras) e maximizadas quando do interesse deles,justamente para impedir que completemos o raciocínio e possamos sair do labirinto de do Rei Minos.A cerca desse holocausto ,já inicia do próprio nome.HOLOCAUSTO é um sacrifício legitimo,para esses povos.O correto que eles poderiam ter dito seria genocidio,(que nunca houve)
    ***************** texto em resposta ao meu amigo Cruz-**************
    [18:15, 24/02/2025] JAQUES/JAT: Existe muitas evidências, suprimidas propositadamente em todo o mundo, sendo encontradas e que estiveram ocultadas por razões de interesse dos SENHORES (DS)do mundo .Quando algum pesquisador se aproximava demais desses achados, ele sumiam...
    Agora que estão sendo desmascarados na perpetração de todos os resets(quando suprimiam culturas e civilizações e reescreviam a história) anteriores da humanidade,Tartária,Antártica etc.etc vão, cada vez mais, serem expostos;
    [18:16, 24/02/2025] Aristóteles JAQUES/JAT: Espero que o amigo se recuperem plenamente.Muita saúde e muita fé ...estamos bem perto da linha de chegada !
    É preciso ter consciência que estamos muito perto da linha de chegado e de todos esse fatos ocultados da humanidade
    Obrigado Serra,por ser uma chama que brilha na escuridão.

    Saúde e Paz
    SC Brazil

    1. Lovely to hear from you JAT. I am very sorry but Google Translator won't work for me for some reason. It has never happened before. It seems that many 3D systems are currently falling apart. If you are able to translate it, that would be great....! Love and Light to you in Brazil.

  3. Glad I'm not the only one having difficulties with general conversations... My brain seems very glitchy while speaking lately. Time is flying so fast it's mind boggling! I'm ready for the dramatic final episode of this crazy drama called 3D Earth!🌎🎆🎇🥳

    1. Yes, we are part of a very exclusive club, CC - 'Exhausted Light Warriors Who Cannot Even String A Sentence Together Anymore Club'. I am sooooo ready for the last episode of this epic horror movie called 3D Earth. Bring on 5D, Galactic friends. WE ARE READY...!!

    2. PS The time flying past thing is incredible. It IS mind-boggling how fast it disappears every day. I even find myself subconsciously looking over my shoulder to see where it went...!!

    3. CC and Sierra, yesterday I looked at the watch and saw that it was 9 pm, but I thought it was only 5 pm! I couldn't even remember that I'd had dinner 3 hours ago. Where did all these hours go?🌞

    4. Torsten, that is exactly how it is for me most days. I arrive at the end of each day in a state of total bewilderment...!!

  4. Good stuff on the Epstein files Sierra! Thank you! Many are angry that it seemed like a dud. Here is a humorous post with some mis-spellings from the Cats with a message from Archangel Michael. https://schrodingersothercat.blog/2025/02/27/923-a-message-from-source/

    1. Thanks for sharing Possum, I look forward to checking it out. Yes, frustration levels are very high in the LW community. It's a sign of how exhausted we all are.

  5. This is my little town and hilarious to me. The comments are fun too...
    Roanoke IRS employee fighting back after losing his job...

  6. Ok,Sierra with Google translate
    Good Day
    I hope and hope that you are well. Yesterday, a friend from São Paulo asked me about the many news items we have been receiving lately, how they affect us and why they do so

    Well, I told him that although amidst much and purposeful misinformation (from the DS), we have been fed in the most diverse areas of human knowledge by protocols, precepts and instructions that are mitigated (when true) and maximized when in their interest, precisely to prevent us from completing our reasoning and being able to leave the labyrinth of King Minos. The issue regarding this holocaust already begins with the name itself. HOLOCAUST is a legitimate sacrifice for these people. The correct thing they could have said would be genocide (which never happened)
    ***************** text in response to my friend Cruz-***************
    [18:15, 24/02/2025] JAQUES/JAT: There is much evidence, purposefully suppressed throughout the world, being found and that was hidden for reasons of interest to the LORDS (DS) of the world. When someone The researcher got too close to these findings, and they disappeared...
    Now that they are being unmasked in the perpetration of all the previous resets (when they suppressed cultures and civilizations and rewrote history) of humanity, Tartary, Antarctica, etc., etc. will increasingly be exposed;
    [18:16, 24/02/2025] Aristotle JAQUES/JAT: I hope my friend recovers fully. Good health and lots of faith... we are very close to the finish line!
    We must be aware that we are very close to the finish line and all these facts hidden from humanity.
    Thank you Serra, for being a flame that shines in the darkness.

    Health and Peace
    Santa Catarina (Brazil)

    1. JAT, thank you so much for the translation. I have no idea why Google translator refused to cooperate today. And thank you for sharing the conversation with your friend. There is so much of interest in the conversation! Yes, we are very close to the finish line. Love and Light to you in beautiful Brazil.

  7. OMGoodness!!! THE BOSS!!!


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