[E]pstein Military Operation

Excellent [Q]TSR post that outlines the [E]pstein military operation. Highly recommended reading. Thanks BP at Starship Earth.


Proof that we are watching a movie. The actor Zelensky ARGUED with President Trump and Vice President JD Vance in the Oval Office. Incredible scene (2' 18" video).


Kat summed up the Zelensky performance perfectly, thanks Kat. The number in blue is a Q drop.


The global stage was just treated to YUUUUUUGE theatre
in the Oval Office πŸŽ₯

🎭 Lead Actors: President/CiC Trump, VP JDVance &
the little dictator / double-agent Zelensky 😎

Zelensky came to the White House in a gym suit,
& proceeded to disrespect the heck out of POTUS & JDV in the OO.

President Trump schooled him:
& after a very heated discussion,

This “showed the public” that the $350 BILLION+ & weapons
Biden/Obama sent to Ukraine
was catastrophic for us & the Ukraine people
& that Zelensky is no one to ‘trust.’

Most of the money ended up back in the USA
to pay off deep state crime families
after Zelensky laundered it in the Ukraine 🀬

πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί Good news is President Putin took out all the U.S./DS Biolabs,
freed everyone in the D.U.M.B.S & tunnels,
& got ALL THE PROOF he needs for Mil Tribunals in the Donbas πŸ’ͺ
(Juan O Savin)

Actors will act..
We are in control.

Speaking of Zelensky, thanks to Maria for these three intel posts.

I love this (happy) channeled message from Source, thanks Possum. It aligns with other recent channeled messages that indicate everything is moving forward behind the scenes.


Alexander Quinn's latest message.

Today is an extraordinary convergence of cosmic forces!

Planetary Alignment:
The rare alignment of seven planetsMercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. As these planets align, their energies will harmonise or mirror where we are blocked or in misalignment, and this event will not be seen again until 2040, encouraging us to reflect on the interconnectedness of all things.

Energetic Shifts from the Sun & Schumann Resonance Anomalies:
The sun is sending powerful energetic waves toward Earth, stirring changes within our energy fields. These solar energies, combined with the increasing Schumann resonance anomalies (which measure Earth’s electromagnetic frequency), create a heightened state of awareness and awakening. You may feel more sensitive to energy shifts and emotional surges as the Earth herself is resonating with these cosmic influences. These energetic pulses are guiding us toward higher states of consciousness and alignment with the divine.

New Moon in Pisces:
The New Moon in Pisces amplifies these energies, offering introspection, emotional healing, and the setting of new intentions. Pisces, the sign of dreams and intuition, will invite you to dive deep within and connect with your inner wisdom. This is a time to release old emotional patterns, trust your instincts, and plant seeds for spiritual growth, creativity, and healing. The New Moon in Pisces calls for quiet reflection, creative exploration, and embracing the mystical aspects of life.

That’s a lot of energy to deal with in one day. This will carry forward into the weekend. I hope it is a smooth time for you all.

Much Love,

Finally, an extract from an email I sent to my friend Coach Jerry.

'We Light Warriors are SO exhausted and running on beyond empty now. My friend Walt said, "It's a bloody miracle we are still standing...!"

Yet deep in my heart I believe the Alliance has everything under control. I place faith in channeled messages like Blossom and One. They both say the same thing - there may be another lockdown (mass arrests) and there will be a financial reset.

The slowness of the operation is all to do with the level of sleepiness of humanity and the complete unwillingness of the DS to capitulate. That combination is causing the operation to creep along at snails pace - agonizing for us.

We WILL prevail...!!' (Sierra)


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Love QTSR and The General's posts. πŸ’£πŸ’₯ Watching President Trump throw Mr Z out of the White House was spectacular even though they are all actors. In addition when President Trump met with the press outside after the meeting he told them peace is the only deal to be made!!! Thank you Sierra, BP and Kat. πŸ’—

    1. It's quite the movie, Possum....! And you are very welcome. Love and Light to you.

  2. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Thanks Caroline...! Love and Light from hot summery NZ.

  3. I’m loving all the intel coming out. Isn’t it just wonderful to sit back and watch it unfold πŸ₯°πŸ₯°♥️♥️

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Myrtle. Yes I agree - we Light Warriors are finally getting to enjoy the end of the show. Patience has been our greatest ally in this protracted operation....!

  4. I listened to 20 minutes of the meeting between President Trump and zelinsky. Like all the 'sleepers' and the msm, zelinsky didn't want to listen to anything that Trump said to him and only parroted the talk of the TV-news and only wanted to hear himself and dictate the subjects in the meeting, but he didn't get away with it, because Trump didn't want to listen to all that rubbish. Now I think it's getting harder for the msm to find new lies to tell, but of course they will try, (as usual...)πŸ€”
    Love and light from cloudy DKπŸŒ§πŸ›ΈπŸŒ€

    1. Torsten, it was so obviously a planned event. Did you notice that President Trump had his hands in the Space Force logo position for nearly all the meeting...? Comms. All is well. Love and Light from hot sunny NZ...!

    2. Hello Sierra. Yes, but it was actually my wife that noticed it. She wondered what it meant. I sat in a chair, only listening.
      By the way, now there's a new trend in Denmark. A lot of people are forming groups to boycott american products. My wife just got an invitation to join a Facebook group that wants to boycott american products - but Facebook is an american product...lol🌝

    3. Hello Torsten, do you think the boycott is an organic grass roots group or a fake group recruiting the innocent? What is the reason for the boycott?

    4. Possum, it seems that it's a grass roots group among common people that are angry with Trump. They are people who believe that we have to support Ukraine and that Putin is a bad guy. I have a thought that most, if not all of them, were the same people who took all the jabs in the covid days, and now they have found a new idea to unite about, but the msm plays a big role in it too with their stories about Trump, that he is selfish, childish, wants to be a dictator, etc etc.

    5. So the deeply programed peeps. And their reasoning to boycott American products is because President Trump is selfish?

    6. But a good thing is perhaps, that they want to boycott coca cola, macdonald's, colgate. - I'm not sure if they are aware that most of the movies they watch are american...I have a feeling that the trend will not last for long though.
      Love and lightπŸ›Έ

    7. I have boycotted those products and way more other so Called American products my whole life. Cheers!

    8. So have I. And IMO they are not genuine american products, they are just ds-productsπŸ•Š


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