President Trump's Congress Address: 4th March

We Light Warriors know not to get hooked into dates, however this date seems significant.

This post from PIR Intel (Phoenix) on Telegram.

Mark this date on your cal. March 4th 2025... The Great Revealing....
Trump announced he will be addressing joint congress. Every member of congress is told their presence is MANDATORY.

Every network must carry the address LIVE.

IMHO, this will be a date forever noted in history as the Great Revealing.

He will lay bare all of the national disgraces and secrets hidden from US, the rightful owners of this great nation.

Godspeed Mr. President, Godspeed. (POR Intel, Telegram)

President Trump has confirmed that Dan Bongino is the new FBI Deputy Director. Awesome.


President Trump is our Commander-in-Chief worldwide. We Are With You.

Excellent question.

This meme could represent the dying 'woke' 3D matrix.

Alexander Quinn's latest message...

ARCTURIAN UPDATE - Having night sweats and temperature issues?

The electromagnetic frequencies that have recently bathed your Earth are acting as a catalyst for deep cellular transformation, and we wish to share why you are now experiencing increased sweating and activation in specific bodily systems. The heightened energies interfaced with your autonomic nervous system, particularly the sympathetic pathways that govern your ability to regulate temperature and process external stimuli. As these light codes penetrate your energy field, your hypothalamus, the master regulator of body temperature, is receiving amplified signals. This results in a heightened state of responsiveness, causing more frequent activation of the sweat glands as your body recalibrates to hold more crystalline light. Your integumentary system (skin) is one of the most vital detoxification channels, and at this time, the eccrine sweat glands are being utilised to release energetic density from deep within the cellular structure.

The apocrine glands, often linked to emotional processing, are also purging old vibrational imprints tied to fear, stress, and past experiences that no longer serve your ascension. This increased sweating is an expulsion of both physical toxins and etheric debris, making way for the activation of higher vibrational templates within your DNA. Your hormonal system, particularly the adrenal and thyroid glands, is now functioning at a new rhythm. The adrenal glands, stimulated by the higher frequencies, are releasing more adrenaline, momentarily increasing body heat and perspiration as your system adapts to new light influxes. Likewise, the thyroid gland, which governs metabolism and temperature regulation, is adjusting to increased mitochondrial activity, accelerating internal energy production. This acceleration translates into greater heat generation, necessitating enhanced sweating for cooling and stabilisation.

As the planetary frequency rises, your immune system is undergoing a profound restructuring. The heat within the body is intensifying as it burns away outdated cellular structures and activates new crystalline coding. Many of you may notice fever-like sensations, night sweats, or an overall feeling of internal heat. These are signs that your immune system is adjusting to new bioenergetic templates. This process is akin to a spiritual detox, where excessive heat must be expelled through the skin, leading to profuse sweating as part of the recalibration. The recent waves of plasmic photonic energy entering your planetary field are initiating a profound upgrade of the human vessel. This process demands an increase in energetic conductivity, and sweating serves as a vital mechanism to regulate the internal heat that arises from this enhanced energy flow. The body is learning to operate at a higher vibrational state, and sweating is a necessary function to ensure the cooling and purification needed to sustain these energetic shifts.

Iawat An Sha,
Arcturian Light Command

Regarding Ascension 'symptoms', I have been having truly bizarre dreams. I have a heightened sense of smell and taste which can be a good or bad thing depending on the situation!  I am definitely feeling hotter, sweating more often, even though it is summer here.

I am still experiencing people falling out of my life - these are relative newcomers so it barely registers. Mostly, I am just cruising through each day, enjoying the great intel and the promise of what lies around the corner.

How is everyone doing out there...?? The comments section has gone quiet. Please leave comments - I get emails from blog readers about how much they appreciate reading the comments. Sharing our experience, strength and hope is a big part of what makes this community a sanctuary for like-minded souls.

Stay calm and positive, Light Warriors. We are a global force to be reckoned with, and much appreciated by the Alliance operation.

Always remember...



Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. It's a great meme about the inclusive society, where, if you don't behave in a way that this society likes, you will be excluded. Is that an inclusive society? I think not...🛸🕊🚀
    Love and light🌞

    1. It was that kind of society the cabal wanted to force people to live in, but thwir time is up!🚀🕊🛸

    2. Torsten, that meme encapsulates the insanity of wokeism in recent years. We can laugh about it now but at the time the absurdity was shocking. Love and Light to you from warm sunny NZ.

  2. My youngest son is truly experiencing this overheating. He did have a cold for a few weeks (because we had to move in 30 degree (F) weather), but now that the cold is gone, his face seems to be lit up each day with a fever ... though it doesn't seem to bother him. I've been experiencing insomnia, but when I DO sleep, my dreams are more intense and more at the surface, if that makes sense. The best thing I've been experiencing lately is that I'm starting to have conversations with people where we disagree but there is no name-calling, and we stay friends. WEIRD. (I am not complaining.) I also notice that I do not get triggered anymore about topics that used to highly trigger me. SO freeing!

    1. Deb, I am less triggered too these days. I just think to myself, 'Meh...' It's just not worth getting upset about anything at this late stage in the game. Love and Light to you and your family.

  3. Totally agree with the night sweats and feeling cold during the day. Also having to wake up and pee often at night. Guess our bodies really are cleansing/releasing a lot!🤷‍♂️♥️

    1. CC, I am getting changed about six times a day to accomodate my crazy body temps. All over the place...! I know when I need to drink more water because I immediately get a headache. So, drinking lots of water and going to the loo a lot. It's a wonder we have time to get anything done in a day...

  4. Ice skating fans, Kamila Valieva plays the Goddess in this ice skating musical.

    "Kamila Valieva - Goddess - Ice show "The Love Story of Scheherazade"

    1. Thanks Wayne. I was totally transported! I belonged to a belly dance group for 20 years and we performed at special events. Our teacher and friend taught us that we were always telling a non-verbal story. Either Ruth Saint Denis or Isadora Duncan said, "if I could tell you what I mean I wouldn't have to dance."

    2. Thanks Wayne, I love ice-skating, it is so graceful. Lovely share, I look forward to watching...

  5. I’m hot and cold throughout the days and yes feeling night sweats in bed. For some reason I can’t remember my dreams anymore. So weird because I’ve always had very vivid dreams. I did feel some pressure in my third eye today. Felt a lot of fatigue for a couple of days and now I feel normal again.

    1. Indigo, our bodies are under a lot of pressure with our Ascension journey. I have days when I am so tired I can barely put one foot in front of the other. Other days I will be fine. It's about extreme self-care as I often write about in posts.

  6. Good to have AQ's post about our crazy symptoms. I definitely have the hot and cold thing going on with itching. My thyroid area burns for a few minutes some days. These symptoms have been happening to me for going on 4 years, although not continuously. I am aware of dreaming a lot but don't remember them. Thanks Sierra, AQ and President Trump. 💗

    1. Possum, I am always reassured by AG's posts. And commenters who are going through similar experiences. It really helps to know that we are not alone. WWG1WGA...!!

  7. I'm sweating a lot more. I was sure it was because I'm exercising more and my body is becoming more efficient at expelling heat, but this makes more sense. At times I'm doing absolutely nothing and I'll break into a sweat. Annoying but at least now I know why.

    1. I experience the same sort of thing, Graham. It's like a sudden hot flush out of nowheree - and I am waaaaay past experiencing that womanly symptom....!

  8. "...waaaay past experiencing that womanly symptom....!"

    Lol. Sierra...I enjoy your humour very much in your posts! 😄

    I don't comment very often as I like to keep myself to myself, but I am here onboard, reading & yes waiting to a certain extent.

    I've been experiencing very weird dreams too. High body temperature has been going on for over a decade.

    Blossom's sources have mentioned that the blood temperature of Humanity will increase.


    1. Lovely to hear from you, Aidan...! Yes, like you my high body temps have been going on for well over ten years now. It is only at certain times - most of the time I have cold hands and feet. When I am around high vibe Light Warriors, my temp goes really high.

  9. My experiences with dreams lately - about a week - were somehow Special because I frequently can rember them more often even days later I can recall them. Usually I do not rember my dreams or dream so vividly.

    The energies are currently a bit challenging in my relationship and they are helping me to become more conscious, to become aware of the importance of being more thoughtful

    I would also like to share the structure of my blog
    and the overview of the translations of your newsletter and my posts, Sierra.

    Love and light - Peter

    1. Looking great! Thanks 💗

    2. Peter, my memory of my dreams is stronger too. I believe it is because the veils have now gone between the realms. Some of the recent dreams have been quite bizarre...!
      Thank you so much for translating my posts, it is such a lovely service. Love and Light to you.

  10. Yes, Sierra, my dreams have been quite bizarre too. Here in Germany things in the socio-political scene have become pretty much tupsy turvy and negativ in a way and also in economy. Surely it has an effect on our dreams - we light warriors also have to digest it somehow, work on it, act in the subtle realms to stabilize the energies etc. I got the thougt that only the help and intervention of higher power (cooperation with them) can change things for good

    1. Peter, that is such a good point that we Light Warriors need to process this craziness somehow. It would explain the dreams. NZ is similar to Germany - it too appears to be going down the gurgler. I comfort myself with knowing that this situation is temporary. It is always darkest before the dawn. 2025 will bring freedom and prosperity for humanity. At last...!!

    2. I agree with you, Sierra, and I am very confident that positive changes will be felt by all of us this year.!

  11. I’ve gotten sick again! These energies are truly beating me down 😩 Never in my life have I gotten sick three times in one flu season! I had a week long cold in November, then I got the flu during the first week of February, and now I have some kind of upper respiratory illness that is giving me a sore throat and a slight burning sensation in my sinuses. My immune system must be getting a lot of work done on it, because I usually only get one cold per year, if I get sick at all. I pray that my immune system comes back with the sunshine next month!

    1. Oh Anael, I am so sorry to hear about your latest illness. You are having a major purge. Yes, thank goodness for the incoming Vitamin D for you. Sending you a BIG warm sunny hug from NZ - and prayers for your swift recovery.


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