President Trump May Withdraw US Troops In Germany

President Trump is considering the withdrawal of 35,000 US troops from Germany and re-deploying them to Hungary - a Russian ally. This is a strategic move and a major blow to the European Union.

This news could have something to do with Q drop 879 delta for 8th March...

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 2f9ca6 No.591304 📁
“Set the STAGE.” - POTUS
Do you believe?
Buckle up.

The good news continues - this is a BIG deal and another major blow to the [D]eep [S]tate.

More good news, thanks Kat.

And even more...once again, thanks Kat. The DS stolen money is being re-distributed.

Proof of the insanity that has reigned in the woke world.

A meme to honor the demise of wokeism.

Doctor David Weldon is the incoming Director of the CDC. His stance on vaccines is clear (2 minute video).

Stephen is still out of action so it will be a few days before my blog is back up to speed with a steady stream of intel. He and Anthony are without water, power and internet and it is pouring rain. Continued prayers for them. We miss you, Stephen.

Finally, my sense of discombobulation is at an all-time high today. I wonder what Alexander Quinn would have to say about it...?? I feel as if I am wandering alone in a foreign land with few markers to guide my way. Stability and solid ground are a distant memory.

I am holding on to my complete faith in the Alliance operation and the Divine Plan for humanity's liberation. I know the discombobulation is linked to this powerful transition time. I have been through numerous big transitions in this lifetime. I am experienced with them - yet I confess they never get any easier. I wish they did...!

My helpers Upstairs are giving me plenty of signs and encouragement so I know that all is well. I just need to stick close to them during this tricky phase. I am finding great value in living life one day at a time. No looking ahead, or behind.

Please feel free to share in the comments what you are currently experiencing in your own Ascension journey. Your sharing helps all of us in this community.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Another hit song and dance from the Russian teens.

    "Winter" - "New Year's Concert 2025"
    "Зима" - «Новогодний концерт 2025»

  2. Today was the first day I have been less discombobulated than usual. Still almost dropping things and mis-stepping and manage to catch myself and the thing. JayJ has been sneezing up a storm for the last 3 days. This morning I checked in and was told he is releasing my stuck energy. We sat in meditation while my Galactic healers released the stuck energy and JayJ has stopped sneezing. My sister from Washington state sent a policeman to do a wellness check on me yesterday. Stephen, Anthony, Blossom and Joy are still on my prayer request.

    1. Possum, oh my goodness re the welfare check from the police...! I am not dropping things but I am having the weirdest little incidents, eg today I leaned towards a cabinet at the supermarket. I didn't see how close the curve on the plastic was to my face and banged my teeth on it...!! I am honestly shaking my head at some of the bizarre things that are happening to me. My prayers continue for our Aussie friends too.

  3. Replies
    1. You are very welcome, lovely to hear from you Annette. Love and Light to you.

    2. Hi Sierra, thanks to you and your precious readers for your love and support. I am on my 2nd round of deep coughing for over a week each time and feeling very isolated from my fellow light workers. I’ve been in the Phoenix area since Nov. & pray I can finance my trip back to So.CA in early April. Your blog helps me stay connected since most of my awakened friends are in So CA. It rained yesterday which is such a blessing here in the desert. Praying for your friends impacted by the wild weather down under as well as all the people impacted by the intense weather occurring randomly every day. I’m doing my best to stay in the light and trust God’s plan every minute. Sending love, gratitude, and blessings to everyone. 🙏❤️⭐️

    3. Hi Ami. I really feel for you regarding the deep coughing. Last time I was sick - it was a while ago - I had that coughing and it went on for weeks. I totally resonate with how you must be feeling right now. Sending you a BIG hug.
      The sense of isolation is very real, Ami. I know exactly what you are going through. I am also isolated except for one person who lives nearby. This blog is my life line too. Adding my own prayers to yours to get the money for your trip to So Cal in early April. Love and Light to you.

  4. I thought of you this morning, Sierra, praying that Stephen gets back on line soon. I thought of how fast our lives can change! Things we rely on go "poof"! And yet transform into something even better. Possom! A wellness check! Wow, just yesterday I was emailing a friend and we talked about the very same thing b/c I live alone and could be here for days before anyone even knew I was gone. I'm curious is JayJ a cat or a dog? I have a dog and cat. The dog, Jack, has been coughing a lot. Our pets are so sensitive. Ami S I hope your cough is better and that you can get back to SoCal in April. Love and Light to all, Betsie

    1. Betsie, I too live alone and could be here for days. There are many women living alone in our situation. I have neighbors so I am sure someone would check if my curtains stayed drawn for several days. But I don't have daily contact with any one person. Ironically, the first people who would miss me on a daily basis would be you blog readers...!! That thought is actually quite sweet.

  5. Alexander Quinn's latest post on Facebook: Over the past 48 hours, We experienced a significant solar event, during which a substantial influx of solar energy impacted Earth climaxing in the last 24 hours. This interaction led to a temporary restructuring of the magnetosphere, allowing a very increased amount of solar radiation, light data and other charged particles to penetrate the ionosphere.
    As a result, individuals may have noticed physiological responses ranging from mild to pronounced fluctuations in their well being. Currently, we are at the peak of this geomagnetic disturbance and it's intensity is moderatly high.For those preparing to return to work or engage in demanding professional activities tomorrow, it is advisable to prioritize hydration with essential electrolytes and ensure adequate rest to support physiological balance before levels of demanding cognitive competence is required as your biological systems reconfigure themselves.
    Best regards,

    1. Thanks for sharing, Betsie. Interestingly, I was very thirsty over the weekend, much more than normal - to the point where I started to wonder if I had diabetes. It has passed, thank goodness. But it shows you the wide variation in Ascension symptoms at present. Love and Light to you.

    2. I had the exact same symptoms. I was really thirsty and wondered the same thing you did!!! As they say "cancel cancel" that! I'm sure it is Ascension symptoms. And "yes", you would be sorely missed, if we didn't hear from you for several days!

  6. I've been meaning to share this information with all of you -- about moving storms, etc. I posted it on Facebook last week as we were expecting a very intense storm here with 50 mph winds and heavy rain. I've worked on moving storms for years, but was glad to include the elementals and it was amazing - we had just nice gentle rain during the night! Here is my post if you would like to read about it:
    I have to tell you --- we were supposed to get a very bad storm here last night, high winds 50 mph, thunder/lightening etc. I started calling in all the elementals in the article below early yesterday. Last night late Yes, it rained but it was a nice calm rain and absolutely NO HIGH WINDS or lightening. I woke up this morning and thanked the elementals for all their work. It was outstanding!!!!!!

    When bad weather is forecasted instead of focusing on that....focus on the fact that we have the power to move storms dissipate them. Here is some information to know how to do that:
    Humans have the power to influence the elementals who work with air, earth, water and air. In the recent storms to hit the UK some people lost fences or trees but my garden was untouched. All I did was remain calm, bless the trees in my garden and ask the elementals of air and water to cleanse my garden calmly and gently.
    > This is how it works
    > Air
    > The Unicorns oversee the element of Air. Under their command is the Elemental Master of Air, Dom. You can sometimes see his face in the clouds. He is in charge of the air elementals, the sylphs. If a strong wind is forecast, calmly invoke the unicorns and ask them to command Dom to direct the sylphs to be gentle.
    > Fire
    > The mighty Archangel Gabriel himself is in charge of the element of Fire. Under his command is the Elemental Master of Fire, Thor, who commands the fire elementals, the salamanders. You can ask them to help light a fire or to calm down and damp one down. The fire dragons are also fourth dimensional elementals and they can burn away negativity round people as well as in places.
    > Earth
    > Lady Gaia, the mighty angel in charge of our planet is sometimes known as Mother Earth. She is in charge of the element of earth. Her Elemental Master is Taia, who commands the earth elementals, pixies, goblins etc. You can call on them to help in the case of earth movement or earth quake of any kind.
    > Water
    > Poseidon is the great Master in charge of water. The element of water carries the love and wisdom of the universe. Water is everywhere - in the atmosphere and in the body -and so links everything. This is why love is the glue of the universe. Neptune is the Elemental Master of Water and the elementals who work under him are called undines. To calm a flood or to divert waters rather than letting them go over land, call on them for help.
    > As long as you remain calm, centered and commanding the elements will respond to you. It is important to practice doing this and to form a relationship with the elements so that you are able to make a difference in a time of crisis.
    > This message is so important, please pass it on to anyone who is ready to listen to it and put it into practice.

    1. Thank you so much Betsie. This is wonderful information. I too will save it. We appreciate you.

    2. Thank you so much! What great info.

  7. Thank you Betsie! I saved this to a WORD doc and will definitely be calling on our elemental friends. JayJ is a cat. Our animals are always filtering and releasing energies for us as well as healing us.

  8. My wife got ill monday with fever and wedensday it was my turn. I think it's a 'variant' of the flu. I have been feeling weak in my body, having a bad cough and it has been so uncomfortable. Fortunately I'm beginning to get better now, but I'm still sweating much. My wife is slowly recovering too. The good thing is, that I insisted on doing something each day that I find important, like buying groceries, keeping the kitchen tidy and even baking bread, though it was hard when feeling weak from fever and it has been good to have a break from going out in 3d-land. I'm a bit proud that I stayed optimistic through this and stayed calm through the days and nights with fever and coughing. I think it's the 60.000 foot perspective that made me strong though my body felt weak.
    Love and light🛸🕊🐈

    1. Torsten, you did so well to remain at the 60,000 foot perspective when you and your wife were both ill. Go you! It takes great strength and faith. I am very pleased you are feeling better now. Sending both you and your wife warm hugs from sunny NZ.

  9. I had an incredible dream where I was in the air spinning around. Then this morning I put the radio on and I hear a song with these lyrics…” I just want to fly…put your arms around me baby”…lol. I’ve been taking Bach flower remedies and find my self being very creative around my home. Still get bouts of fatigue where I have to take a nap.

    1. Indigo, I love your dream...! How inspiring and reassuring, especially backed up by the radio song. I am still fatigued too. Each day seems to go by in a flash, yet so much happens within it. Time is such a bizarre construct now. Love and Light to you.

  10. Replies
    1. Hi Sierra, thank you for your thoughtful comments as well as the other members whom commented as well. Today was my first day out of the house in 8 days and I went to our spiritual development center to offer light energy to several people. It was such a gift. With so much going on in the world, I appreciate this community so much. Love and blessings. 🙏⭐️❤️

    2. Ami, I am so happy that you were finally able to get out of the house and share your Light with people. This community is made up of beautiful souls like yourself. Love, Light and hugs to you.

    3. Thanks Caroline, love your emojis...! Hugs to you.


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