'Catastrophically Weak [B]iden'
This scathing Sky News Australia story on [B]iden had over one million views and 14,000 comments (mostly anti-[B]iden) when I watched it. This is the TRUTH, Light Warriors, for all the world to see. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KYzf-88lZk '...The US has a president who is obviously senile, catastrophically weak. It's hard to exaggerate how dangerously bad Joe [B]iden is...' (Andrew Bolt, Sky News Australia) An extraordinary open letter has been signed by (current update) over 220 retired US military generals and admirals. It calls for political and military leaders to resign over the Afghanistan withdrawal. There are so many signees, they are listed in alphabetical order. https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=181192 A summary from Major Patriot of the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal under [B]iden's orders. https://gab.com/MajorPatriot/posts/106853680997704146 Woah. Meghan McCain, Treasonous No Name's daughter, condemns {B]iden. 'I do not re