
Showing posts from August, 2021

'Catastrophically Weak [B]iden'

This scathing Sky News Australia story on [B]iden had over one million views and 14,000 comments (mostly anti-[B]iden) when I watched it. This is the TRUTH, Light Warriors, for all the world to see. '...The US has a president who is obviously senile, catastrophically weak. It's hard to exaggerate how dangerously bad Joe [B]iden is...' (Andrew Bolt, Sky News Australia) An extraordinary open letter has been signed by (current update) over 220 retired US military generals and admirals. It calls for political and military leaders to resign over the Afghanistan withdrawal. There are so many signees, they are listed in alphabetical order. A summary from Major Patriot of the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal under [B]iden's orders. Woah. Meghan McCain, Treasonous No Name's daughter, condemns {B]iden.  'I do not re...

Gutsy Light Warriors

I am happy to inform you that this is a positive uplifting j** -free post. We need to take a break from that subject sometimes and reflect on the wonderful Light Warriors out there who are making a difference. Heroic Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers calls for resignations from [B]iden [H]arris and military generals over Afghanistan. Someone has to lead the charge for justice. Go, Wendy. This woman annihilated a masked school board - she called them out by name and threatened to replace them next year. We The People have SPOKEN. Stand up, speak out and protect our children. Here is an excellent summary of what may soon unfold. My bet is President Trump will be back much sooner than suggested in this post. Promise me you will open this link and watch the little video. You will NOT be disappointed. Enough said.

Disinformation Alert

 Unfortunately this is another Disinformation Alert - I have removed the post about the Supreme Court hearing to re-instate President Trump. There is a lot of disinformation out there now. I apologize for the confusion. Love and Light Sierra Fair Use Notice: Use the information found in the stories/videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant conclusions or decisions. If this newsletter is not right for you, please go to the bottom of this email and unsubscribe or change your preferences. Dear BIN Subscriber: It turned out the story we put out yesterday regarding a Supreme Court Decision was non-factual. When this was brought to our attention, it was immediately removed from the Before It's News website. The person who posted the story has been warned. We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused as this is an emotionally charged subject matter many of us are dealing with. Respectfully...

[B]iden Bails - Again

[B]iden turned his back - yet again - on a reporter asking a question about Afghanistan. You cannot tell the people; you have to SHOW them. Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller - the brave Marine Commander who called for accountability from his seniors over the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal - has resigned rather than be fired. He has sacrificed a comfortable retirement and all veteran assistance rights. Follow me and we will bring the whole f***ing system down. I am honorable - you can ask any marine who served with me for 17 years. (Lt. Col. Scheller) The WHO has released a 'guiding document' to introduce vaccine 'certificates' into every country in the world. Who is funding this operation? Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockerfeller Foundation. We The People WILL NOT COMPLY. Andrew Torba, Gab CEO, with an excellent post explaining how the DS uses 'optio...

General Patton/President Trump

  I have just watched a video from Tarot by Janine where she talks about President Trump possibly being adopted and might be the son of General Patton - conceived during an affair Patton was having just before his death. I pride myself on recognizing the resemblance of people. I thought, 'As soon as I see a picture of General Patton, I will know...' Well, there is the pic. I don't know about you, but I see a strong resemblance to President Trump.  It is also being discussed that President Trump could be the reincarnation of General Patton. Both suggestions are pure speculation - it's fun to speculate if you don't take it too seriously. It really doesn't matter how President Trump arrived on the earth plane. The important thing is that he is here and doing a magnificent job on an extraordinarily difficult mission.   I will end with these two points... President Trump recited quotes from General Patton at his recent Alabama rally.  And guess how many cannon volley...