Plandemic Over: Bring It On...!

I am opening this post with a glorious image that will gladden the heart of every Light Warrior. Bring it on...!

Apparently Bill [G]ates has stated that [C]ovid should now be treated like seasonal flu. Official capitulation..? Of course it's a body double/clone that is speaking on his behalf - the original Gates was executed at GITMO. Thanks for the reminder, Dave!

Mexico has opened its borders to tourists with no restrictions whatsoever - holidays like it used to be before 2020. Love it.

Further good news - GE Electric has suspended jab mandates and testing for its employees, citing the Supreme Court decision. This is awesome news. When a big company like GE Electric pulls out of the Scamdemic, other big businesses will be forced to consider their own stance.

The 'EU Science Committee' admits that on-going booster shots HARM the immune system and should not be administered. BOOM.

Hospital whistle-blower with irrefutable TRUTH about the jab. Short video, recommended, pass it on.

Jim Carrey could be speaking ironically in this short video. The jury is out on his position on the dark/light continuum - he has [s]atanic connections.

A ten foot high steel reinforced concrete wall has been built around the White House, effectively walling it in. Also the White House live camera feed, which always runs 24/7, has been cut. Wake up, people! Something YUUUUUGE is happening in Washington DC.

Anons are buzzing over strong rumors that Q will resuming posting - and that we might soon see the magic message from President Trump: 'Fellow Americans, the storm is upon us...'. Followers of Q have been waiting for that message for a long time.

President Trump is holding a rally in Arizona on 15th January. It's a great venue - a canyon ranch in the desert. I watch his rallies on Newsmax because the feed is usually clear and rarely breaks down.

Speaking of Q and President Trump's rally, Cowboyw2b has come up with a great Q connection to the rally.

Trump rally on 1.15 = High noon on the Qclock.

Finally, the Q words 'Scare Event' keep playing in my mind. I am sure that we are very close to an event - whatever it is - that will bring the entire population on this planet to its knees in shock. What could be frightening enough to achieve that result..? Well, Tarot by Janine has a theory, and although it may seem pretty wild, there are other Light Warriors talking about the same thing. There could be scenes of mass shock when the Event happens. Here is Janine's video:

Today I have been reflecting on the staggering amount of change that has transpired in my life within the last 12 months. I have many new friends, most of whom I didn't even know a year ago - in some cases, a few weeks ago. I have replaced old appliances in my home that I have had for decades. There are daily routines that I did for many years that I don't do any more, and there are some new ones that I instigated only months ago. 

The reason why the sleepers mask up and blindly follow the [D]eep [S]tate narrative is because they fear change. They crave comfort and security. Comfort and security for them is a shopping mall full of muzzled faces - hundreds of people just like them, so they must be okay.

Meanwhile, out on the edge of the precipice, you'll find Light Warriors charging forward, swords raised. Comfort and security - what's that...???


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Just an update for you Sierra, Bill Gates is dead he was hung at Gitmo. Love your blog and all the post you had on IDC. Some day I'll get to New Zealand and I'll look you up.
    Consider me new friend.

    1. Hi Dave! Sorry, I forgot to include the fact that it's Gate's clone/double that would have made that statement. And it's awesome to have you as a new friend. We will most certainly catch up here in NZ. I have never been to Michigan so that's a possibility too. Great to hear from you.

    2. PS: I just updated the post with the clone/body double info. Thanks again.

  2. Hello Sierra,
    This is one of your best post yet. I was reading a few days ago that the 5G will be turned on January 19 unless that date has been moved that's in the states I'm assuming. Thanks for your hard work. Take care, Randy

    1. Thank you, Randy. That is such a lovely thing to say. I am very happy that you are part of this community - it's always a pleasure to see your comments. Love and Light to you, my friend.

  3. I don’t believe for a second that vaxxed people will turn into zombies, Divine Mother isn’t going to let so many people die like that. You posted channeled information about the vaccines being hijacked by the Galactic Federation, and ultimately upgrading the humans that received them. That is what my heart tells me is true.

    1. I agree with you Anael. And I am about to write a separate post explaining it. Thank you for prompting me. I had already thought about it this morning on my walk. Love and Light to you.

  4. Comfort and security come from within. Inner peace. Inner standing. Love all the booms in this post!!

    Love and Light, Sierra!

    1. Thanks Jan - it's great to write post with so much Boom-able intel. Tee hee...! Love and Light to you.

  5. i have not been vaccinnated, but I am going to go get the 4th one only and go and sit on my roof waiting for 5g to turn on. Im thinking of playing Alan Parson, I am robot album from my marshal stack. I always wanted to be a robot. Eh eh..

    In truth, some of this may make some sense.. galactic technology, vax those who are deep in the matrix, use tones and vibes to awaken. what a show. I still may play a lot of the alan parsons album anyway.

    1. Hi Michael.

      Wow, Alan Parson is a blast from the past back to my radio days...! I think we are all guessing at this stage. Let's sit back and enjoy the show, as Q would say. And January 19th, National Popcorn Day in USA is still incoming...

  6. Pleiadian Message For Humanity
    "On our arrival, we will emit a 5D omnipotent energy, which is a high-frequency wave that will refresh and awaken every aspect of your being and allow you to embrace new possibilities in your life. Your DNA will change from a carbon base to a crystalline base in a moment!"

    P.S. Dear Sierra. I appreciate our connection. Thank you.

    1. I read this too..isn't this what the solar wave does is reconnect the DNA ..or activate it ..hey I am fine either way .. also remember all the obelisks that were appearing worldwide.. I am told when it's time they will be energized and be part of the ancient grid network here once it comes online it too will force humanity to vibrate higher.. well alot of Q markers ...war manual dates.. expectations are flying around ...I can't get too excited as I have heard so many appears we are reaching a pt where it will all come down and all will be made known.. for it to have credibility something significant has to happen.. yes prince Andrew happened but that is 1 pedo we need mass awakening now.. also they keep saying RV happened Jan 1.. what?? Nothing happened ...Iraq is always about to revalue their same message month after month.. Basel 3 no impact to gold price... Military is the only way..them let's go...cities in US are ghost towns per footage.. huge homeless areas in tents.. parents vaxxing kids.. galactics didn't make vaccines a DNA upgrade.. the vac is killing or harming ..more fake channelings...channeling is suspect at best.. I am positive but we need proof .. no more words and faith..nope actual proof now. Mass meditation hit critical more meditations either for me... It's time for it to all go down ...

    2. Doug I share your skepticism on some of the things you mentioned. I am not convinced the RV is a real thing coming . I do believe NESARA is real but not clear that it includes the Currency RV as such, that we have heard the same things over and over about .

      I also find Janine’s theories to be not resonating , such as a zombie event.

    3. HI Doug and Faith...
      Thanks for your input. It's great that we are sharing perspectives here on this blog. Good open honest communication.
      If I could please add my thoughts about the RV. I have had currency for many years. My take on it has always been - if it happens, it will be wonderful to help with humanitarian projects. If it doesn't, I can always exchange it back. Many reliable channeled sources, including James McConnell and Matthew Ward, have talked about the RV as a reality.
      Re: the 'zombie' event, I will address that shortly in a separate post. Love and Light to you both.

  7. Hello Sierra, I see there was a volcano eruption close to Tonga. Is this part of the watch the water we have been told for so long? Hope I are ok where you are at. Randy

    1. Hi Randy. Interesting about the 'Watch The Water' connection. Everything is fine here in NZ although I really feel for the people of Tonga, many of whom have relatives living/working here in NZ, including right here in my home town. Tonga has been badly affected by the tsunami, judging by early news reports.


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