General Thoughts
I have been doing a lot of deep processing around being exposed to people who have had the jab - especially loved ones. It has been a profound test of confronting fear on a level that none of us could have foreseen two years ago. The world has become a surreal place. I find myself constantly focussing on getting back to center after being side-swiped by another shocking piece of information or insight. Spirit told me this morning that everything that's happening in the lives of Light Warriors right now is designed to test us. Are we ready to tackle the full impact of the storm? Are we REALLY ready...? Here is a simple strategy to keep our footing when the storm slams into humanity with full intensity.... Pause...take a deep breath...focus on the next moment. Not the next week, day or hour - the next MOMENT. Practice pausing frequently throughout the day and checking in with your heart. Actually ASK your heart, 'How am I doing...?' And listen to the response. Start doing i...